Professional Growth Plan

Juan Rodriguez

New Jersey City University

Dr. Zieger

August 7, 2020

To write about my future goals when one of them is already accomplished is difficult. Part of the plan is to become a leader. I think that my leadership style is modeled after the Authentic Leadership. According to the book Leadership by Peter Northhouse, when describing authentic leadership, he states, “suggest that authentic leaders exhibit genuine leadership, lead from conviction, and are originals.” That is the type of leader I want to become. I want my students to see my beliefs in my eyes and hear my conviction in my voice. This project has caused me to consider what I want to do in the next few years. To construct a PGP plan, you must decide what methodology you are going to use. I decided to use the SMART method (Reeves & Fuller, 2018).


There are a few short-term goals that I want to achieve and a long term one. The first goal that I want to accomplish is to create a Podcast. I was inspired by Buzz Wood to get out of my shell and be more creative. After teaching a class in Peekskill, NY, I realized that a large percentage of the students were Spanish speaking. I spoke to some of them to find out if they would be interested in taking a computer class, while some of them were, they had a common concern, a language barrier. I would like to create a curriculum in computers to make it possible for those students to take the class.  Getting published either with a co-author or with my students on research is another one of my goals. My long term goal is to become a tenured professor at the college where I currently work.


To accomplish these goals, I need to have quantifiable goals. To do a podcast correctly, I will need to do some research and review popular podcasts. To create a curriculum, I will investigate if I can have a hybrid language class. To get published, I need to find a topic that is worth writing. To get tenure, I must continue to improve as a teacher


I know that I can accomplish all of my goals. Yes, there are things that I worry about, like I am going to continue to pay for the doctoral program that I’m in. Is the school going to let me do a hybrid language class? These are barriers, but they are barriers that I can work around or get help in going over.


My goals are relevant to today’s times. I am confident it is the right time for me to start working on these goals. The podcast is something that everyone is doing, and I am pretty sure I can incorporate it into a new class that I want to create. The hybrid language computer class that I want to create is in sync with my department dean’s core values, I believe now it is the right time because I think I would have her support in developing the course. The doctoral program will help me achieve my dream of being a tenured Professor. My department does have that many teachers who have a doctorate, and having one will certainty advance my cause.


The podcast I will start that in the next few months. Once we get back to in-person classes, I plan to approach the dean with my proposal. I’m hoping to start next year on getting published since I will be part of the STEM research academy at work. The doctoral program is going to take me three years, and I’m hoping that as soon as I finish, I can apply for tenure.  I will not have my cheese moved again without me running after it.


Northouse, Peter G.. Leadership (p. 198). SAGE Publications. Kindle Edition.

Johnson, S. (1998). Who moved my cheese?: An amazing way to deal with change in your work and in your life. New York: Putnam

Reeves, M., & Fuller, J. (2018, March 21). When SMART Goals Are Not So Smart. Retrieved August 05, 2020, from